Windows 7 Step Recorder Tool

If you have provided PC support you know it can be a challenge to diagnose a users problem based on their description.  Depending on the environment doing a remote session or visiting the user desk may not be a practical solution.  Windows 7 came with this neat utility called Problem Steps Recorder. This new feature records user actions and allows you to troubleshoot the problem.

It so easy to use, simple go to start, all programs, accessories, click on Run and type psr and press enter. You will see this at the top of the screen:

Just click on Start Record. It will record all the actions you will do after clicking the “Start Record”, once you start recording perform those steps you want to record then click on “Stop Record”, on the Window that pop select a folder where you want to save the file and type a name for the file to be saved, click Save.

The document will be saved as a .zip file. You can open the document with the Windows default, or if you have Winzip or Winrar you can also open it. If you do not have Winzip you can do a search on the Internet and find the Winzip or Winrar websites and download it from there. Once you extract the file (it will be only one file) double click on it, the file will open in Internet Explorer.

Once you finish all you have to do is to send it to your desired recipient.

Note: Since this will take snap shots of your screen, if you have two monitors I recommend you to disable one of the monitors before starting to record your steps. You can go back and enable the monitor after you finish the process. You should also lower the screen resolution to 1024 x 768 so that the recipient can more precisely view what you did.

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